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Jialingjiang Formation

Jialingjiang Fm


Age Interval: 
Late Early Triassic, (TJ79, TJ80, TJ81)


Type Locality and Naming

The type section is located at Jialing River north shore, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province. It was named by Zhao Yazeng and Huang Jiqing et al. in 1931. It was first used by the National Stratigraphy Conference in 1959.


Lithology and Thickness

Dominated by carbonate rocks, the Yanjingxi section in Hechuan, Sichuan Province can be divided into three lithological sections: First member is composed of gray microcrystalline limestone with many fragments, sand and gravel fragments and a small amount of oolitic microcrystalline limestone. The crisscross layers of insect traces, oolites, flat gravels and sand waves form dozens of rhythms, with stromatolites developed in the lower part, with a thickness of 241 m. Second member is dominated by gray microcrystalline dolomite, with microcrystalline limestone in the middle, and a layer of gypsum-soluble breccia in the upper and lower parts, with stromatolites, crumbs, sands and oolitic bands, 70 m thick. The lower part of the Third member is brown gray, gray microcrystalline limestone, often with insect traces, sometimes containing thin layers of scutella, sand debris, and spangled oolitic limestone, sometimes with horizontal stratification, and the upper part is gray microcrystalline limestone and sandy gravel and meso-clastic sprite limestone are interbedded with different thicknesses, and glutenous clastic limestone has oblique bedding, with a small amount of silty dolomite interbedded near the top, with a thickness of 198 m.

Lithology Pattern: 
Dolomitic limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The bottom is marked by the appearance of microcrystalline limestone as a sign of conformable contact with the underlying Feixianguan Fm

Upper contact

The appearance of mung-bean rock ("Green Bean" volcanic ash) at the bottom of the overlying strata is a sign of conformable contact with the overlying Leikoupo Fm

Regional extent

This formation is mainly distributed in the Sichuan Basin, and the internal thickness of the basin increases from west to east. The lithological changes are also large. The strata in the first and second members of this group in the northwest of the basin are transformed into purple-red clastic rocks, belonging to the upper part of Feixianguan Fm (formerly Tongjiezi Fm). The third member is relatively stable. This formation also distributes in Hunan Province and Hubei Province.




Bivalves: Entolium discites microtis, Eumorphotis sp., Myophoria ovata; Conodonts: Parachirognathus ethimom, Neospathodus homeri, Neospathodus triangularis, Pachycladina sp. Ammonoids: Tirolites sp.; Plants: Neocalamites hoerensis.


There are three main opinions on the range of rock strata and geological age of this group: (1). the upper part of the famous Jialing River limestone is mainly composed of dolomite into the Leikoupo Fm, and the lower part of the limestone and purple shale interbedded. Enter the Tongjie subgroup. The Jialingjiang Fm specifically refers to the stratum dominated by thin layers of gray, gray-yellow, and gray-green tight limestone, and the age is the early Middle Triassic. (2). The first dolomites of the original Leikoupo Fm with the mung-bean ("Green bean") rock layer as the bottom are classified as the upper part of the Jialingjiang Formation, and the age is from the Early Triassic Olenekian to the Middle Triassic Anisian. (3). The Jialingjiang Fm and Leikoupo Fm are bounded by mung-bean rock layer, and the age of the Jialingjiang Fm is the Early Triassic Olenekian. This article uses the third meaning = Olenekian.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It is interpreted as sub-tidal to upper-tidal deposits.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Zhang Shunxin, Li Jiaqi and Tong Jinnan.